School Readiness Program for children with autism
Equip your child with skills that will help them succeed in school!
Is your child learning in school?
Choosing the right school or program that is best suited for a child can be a tough decision.
Parents want a school that helps their child grow and reach their fullest potential.
It’s normal for parents to enroll their child with autism into a mainstream preschool because they want their child to socialise with typical children – while hoping that he/she will be able to learn from other students and teachers.
However, while the intention is good, sometimes parents may notice that their child isn’t making much progress from school.
They may feel that they’re constantly playing catch-up for their child.
Children with autism experience developmental delays in attending, regulation, speech, language, numeracy, literacy, social skills etc.
The thing is, they may not necessarily assimilate into school immediately and know how to learn in a big class with other children.
Neither may teachers in a mainstream preschool have experience in teaching and handling children with autism...
nor might they have the capacity to give them special attention in a class with over 20 children.
More often than not, children with extra needs are neglected.
Their valuable time is wasted without receiving the support they need.
And they are not learning.
This is why we offer our School Readiness Program.
It is a program,
designed for children with autism,
provides the attention your child deserves, and
where your child can learn effectively.

What is school readiness?
School readiness means that a child is able to learn in a group environment.
Often, children start with 1-on-1 instruction, where they have full access to an attentive adult to provide instruction and teach important skills, with high quality attention and support.
Although this is a great start for many children, it is not a sustainable teaching model.
The purpose of our School Readiness Program is to help bridge the gap between 1-on-1 instruction and group learning environments e.g. childcare or school.
Through our school readiness program, we can help your child to cope with the intensity of school and teach them important life skills to carry with them as they grow up.
What skills we'll teach
Attending skills
(e.g. sitting, looking, waiting, listening, nice hands) -
Listening and following instructions
Willingness to learn
Adaptive skills
Understanding group instructions
Awareness of personal belongings
Following school routines
Independence across tasks
Money skills
Personal hygiene
Problem solving
Social Skills
Social interest and awareness
Conversational skills
Understanding emotions and perspective taking
Understanding and imitating social cues
Learning from peers
Play skills
Program Details
Age Group
5 - 6 years old
Available Classes (3h)
Tuesday & Thursday 2.30–5.30pm
Monthly fee
Group classes with specific focus on each individual
Each child is unique and so are their needs. We at Our Special Story understand that – that is why our class sizes are small to ensure that each child gets the help that is specifically tailored for them.
In our School Readiness Program, you can expect,
individualised targets and goals incorporated into group setting
differentiated teaching catered to each child's learning needs
behaviour skills that will benefit all learning environments
quarterly Individualised Education Program (IEP)
Example of the afternoon session timetable:

Feels like too big of a commitment? We get it.
Try a 'lite' version by signing up for a 1 week trial.
(usual price $420)

Professional and reliable therapists
All our therapists have a degree in Psychology and have gone through intensive Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) training.
ABA is a scientific approach to understanding behaviour and learning. It is a flexible technique that is effective for all ages, from early childhood through adulthood.
Our School Readiness Program will be led by our Case Supervisors, Carolyn and Sujie, who have over 8 years of experience teaching ABA to children with autism and special needs.

What our clients say about us
Brandon Koh
The team at Our Special Story is truly passionate. They treated my son like theirs ! The place is so special, just the right size for my child to grow and learn. The class wasn't too big, and my boy picked up much functioning skills from the team. Thank you once again for being part of our story, and highly recommended.
Siti Maryam
My son have been with OSS since September and it has been such a wonderful and fruitful journey. He has shown such great improvement and benefit alot under their School Readiness Programme. Adam always looks forward to go for his OSS session! Both me and my husband are glad that we have chosen the right school for our son. The therapists and staff have shown their pride and professionalism in serving their work etiquette. Truly blessed to have them in my son education journey!
We are so thankful to have found OSS for our son. Over the past 8 months, we have seen significant improvement in his ability to sit, social communication, writing and fine motor skills. He has even learned to play some simple games!
Most importantly, he looks forward to going to OSS each time. We truly appreciate the therapists who take the time to share his progress with us every session and even share notes with his school teachers periodically.
We highly recommend them to parents who are looking for effective and caring therapists where children can grow and thrive.