What is it
Addition using road numbers
Addition worksheet
Teaching Objectives
Develop focus and concentration
Develop basic quantitative concepts
Solve addition equations with pictures
How to use
1. Addition using road numbers
Prompt your child to identify the road numbers and read out the equation e.g. “two plus three equals to...”
The correct number of safety cones have been placed on the road numbers. Let your child choose his favourite vehicle to paste onto each safety cone.
Prompt your child to count all the vehicles that have been pasted to determine the answer.
You can also guide your child to bring all the vehicles to the right side of the equation before asking him or her to count the total number.
Have your child write the total number of vehicles into the box provided or print the numbers provided on the last page of the printable and have your child paste the correct answer in the box.
Once your child is consistent with matching the vehicles to the safety cones, move onto the next stage - pasting the correct number of vehicles onto the road numbers without the safety cones.
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
2. Addition worksheet
Cut out numbers are provided for young learners to complete the worksheet
There are 3 phases to this printable. Start with phase 1 if you are unsure of your child’s ability.
Phase 1: Learners to count the total number of vehicles and paste the correct number in the box provided
Phase 2: Learners to match the numeral to the number of vehicles (count the total number of vehicles and paste the correct number in the corresponding box)
Phase 3: Learners to write the numbers into the correct boxes and solve the addition equations with pictures. (You may also use pages from phase 2)
Teaching tips
Addition may be a difficult concept to grasp. Be encouraging and praise your child for looking and trying!
Be generous with your prompts to keep your child motivated and successful!
Provide repetition for your child to learn from examples.
Use sound effects to make learning more fun! e.g. “Vroom! Here comes another dump truck!”
Count the numbers aloud for your child and encourage them to say the numbers after you
Embed more learning opportunities
Receptive language: “Where is the ambulance?”, “Point to the police car”
Expressive language: “What is this?”, “What transport is this?”
Colours: “What colour is this car?”
General knowledge: Who drives the police car? What sound does the fire engine make?
-Specially created by Our Special Story-
Our Special Story provides home based 1-on-1 ABA Therapy and school shadowing for children with autism spectrum disorder, speech delay and other special needs.
ABA Therapy can help to improve behaviours, attention, speech and communication, school readiness and social skills.
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